Troubleshooting directory
We are sorry to hear you are having issues with your Oelo system. Please look over the troubleshooting guides below. If your system is still not functioning, please use the form at the bottom of this page to report your issue and our technical team will contact you during the time specified to further troubleshoot.
Connection troubleshooting
Controller not found
This guide outlines ways to connect your Control Unit to your Phone and Home Network. This guide may be helpful if you receive the "Controller Not Found" or "Connection Failed" App error message.

Cannot connect to personal WiFi
This guide outlines how to connect your Oelo App and Control Unit to your Personal WiFi. This guide may be helpful if your Oelo App disconnects you from your home WiFi.

App switches from personal WiFi to Oelo
This guide outlines ways to reconnect your Control Unit to your Phone and Home Network. This guide may be helpful if your Oelo App disconnects your Control Unit from your home WiFi.

Lights troubleshooting
Lights don't turn on
This guide outlines ways to turn on your lights. This guide may be helpful if your lights have turned on before, but now do not. It may also be helpful if you haven't turned your lights on in awhile.

Lights won't shut off
This guide outlines ways to shut off your lights after attempting shutoff via the App. This guide may be helpful if you've turned the lights off in the App but they are still on.

Only a portion of my lights respond to commands
This guide outlines ways to fix a system that has a portion of lights not responding. This guide may be helpful if the App shows the selected pattern working but the lighting is not functioning as instructed.

One or more LEDs will not turn on
This guide outlines ways to isolate and replace a section of LED. This guide may be helpful if a section of light has a bad connection or if the LED is burnt out.

Oelo app troubleshooting
Timer is not functioning properly
This guide may be helpful if you have a timer setup, but it is not working as intended. This may include not turning on, not turning off, or if the system is using the wrong timer.

The lights display a different color than what was selected
This guide outlines ways to change the color of your Oelo System. This guide may be helpful if you've selected a specific color in the App and the lights are not reflecting that selection.

Installation troubleshooting
Oelo control box wiring
This guide outlines the correct way to connect the 3-Core Wire to your Control Unit. This guide may be helpful if you're installing the system yourself and want to confirm your wiring.

Facing the ouptut arrow in the right direction
This guide outlines how to properly direct the Output Arrow on the Light Strand when wiring your Oelo System. This guide may be helpful during the installation stage, or for verifying your wiring connections.

Installing Jumper Core Cables
This guide outlines how to properly connect the Light Strand wires to the 3-Core Jumper Cables. This guide may be helpful during the installation stage, or for verifying your wiring connections.

How to replace an LED
This guide outlines ways to isolate and replace a section of LED. This guide may be helpful if a section of light has a bad connection or if the LED is burnt out.

If the above troubleshooting guides did not solve your issue ...
Please fill out the service form below and a technician will be in contact to further troubleshoot.